Adult Education (ESL, GED/HiSET)
Learn English (ESL) or complete your high school education (GED/HiSET) FOR FREE. Any level of learner accepted, from beginner to advanced.
- ESL classes cover reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary skills. We also have Citizenship.
- High School Equivalency classes cover Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science to prepare you to take the GED/HiSET
- We also offer programs to help you transition into college credit or job credential programs.
- Be 18 years or older (or provide proof of high school separation)
- Live in Illinois
- F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2 visas not accepted.
Start your enrollment today
- Complete an online application OR visit your college’s Adult Education office
- Take the placement test (TABE or CASAS)
- Confirm you live in Illinois by sending a copy of your ID and uploading your ID to your student portal.
- Do you have more questions? Visit our Questions and Answer page HERE.
Click on your college for more information
- Daley College
- Kennedy-King College
- Malcolm X College
- Truman College
- Olive-Harvey College
- Wright College
Classes are available in-person, online, a combination of both in-person and online (hybrid)
Join us to celebrate our Illinois High School Diploma Earners!
Learn more here: www.ccc.edu/diploma25
Our Vision
The City Colleges of Chicago Adult Education programs provide open access for learners from diverse backgrounds that deliver high quality education to prepare students to transition successfully into college, career pathways, the workforce and/or to meet personal goals as lifelong learners. In collaboration with community partners, the City Colleges of Chicago Adult Education program provides students with supporting services to meet their social, emotional and academic needs, leading to economic mobility.The City Colleges of Chicago Adult Education programs provide open access for learners from diverse backgrounds that deliver high quality education to prepare students to transition successfully into college, career pathways, the workforce and/or to meet personal goals as lifelong learners. In collaboration with community partners, the City Colleges of Chicago Adult Education program provides students with supporting services to meet their social, emotional and academic needs, leading to economic mobility.