Physical Therapist Assistant

Erin DiCapo, PT, DPT

Program Director

A Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) works under the direct supervision of a physical therapist in a variety of settings to assist patients regain functional mobility to return to meaningful athletic, home, work, and community activities.

To Apply to Program: 

  • Complete program prerequisite courses.  
  • Submit official college transcripts (students DO NOT need to submit CCC transcripts)  
  • Calculate admissions cumulative GPA.  ​​
  • Apply to Program in Student Portal [] 
  • Submit Program Specific Application.  Summer 2025 applications closed. 

To Learn More About Program and Admissions: 

The Physical Therapist Assistant curriculum provides specialized educational and clinical experie​nces to prepare graduates for the National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam (NPTAE) and to gain employment in a variety of direct patient care settings under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Physical therapist assistants work with patients of all ages to improve meaningful function through selected treatment interventions, data collection methods, prevention measures, and patient education. Coursework includes the study of human​ anatomy and physiology, human movement and kinesiology, the consequences of disease or injury, and physical therapy treatment for a variety of patient conditions affecting humans throughout the lifespan. Clinical education is provided through a variety of partnerships with hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, outpatient physical therapy clinics, and home health agencies. Students entering clinical education experiences will be required to provide a criminal background check and drug screening test before or during each rotation in addition to other requirements of the clinical education site.                                                                                       

Program Mission 

The physical therapist assistant program at Malcolm X College, a contemporary institution, offers an innovative and career-focused education to students of diverse backgrounds.  The program aspires to equip learners with the competencies to become licensed physical therapist assistants committed to excellence and caring in clinical practice and inspired to respond to the needs of a dynamic society.                                                                                           

Admission Requirements and Process

Step 1: Applicants will be qualified to apply if all pre-requisites are completed or will be completed by the end of Spring term which precedes the summer semester the student is applying for.                                                                                            

  • Pre-Requisite Course Requirements: 
    • English 101 
    • Biology 116 or Biology 226 and Biology 227
    • Math 118 or higher
    • Physics 131 or higher
    • Psychology 201
    • ESSS 101 
    • ESSS 102 
    • ESSS 103 
    • ESSS 112 
  • Admission Requirements: 

Step 2: Apply to the PTA Program through the Selective Admissions section of your student portal (​).  Utilize this help guide​ that includes images to assist with this step.  The steps are also listed below:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on “Academic Records”
  3. Click on “Selective Application”
  4. Click on “Proceed”
  5. Click on “Apply” and then on “Yes” to apply for the program of your choice.

Step 3: The Program Specific Application, will be sent to all qualified applicants by the MXC Admissions Department.  All completed applications received by the due date will be evaluated

Step 4: The final step of the admission process is an in-person interview for select candidates.

NOTE: *The PTA Program is a Selective Admissions Program.  Completion of all pre-requisite coursework DOES NOT guarantee admission to the technical phase of the program.​​​​​​


The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Malcolm X College is accredited by the:

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100

Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085                                                                
telephone: 800-999-2782                                                                

he Physical Therapist Assistant Program at City Colleges of Chicago – Malcolm X College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 800-999-2782; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Erin DiCapo at 312-850-7021 or email                                                                


The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program at Malcolm X College will prepare students to become licensed physical therapist assistants after successfully passing the National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam (NPTE-PTA).

Additional Information

Please see answers to Frequently Asked Questions in the PTA Program FAQs​ document.

Additionally, a copy of the Fall 2023 Physical Therapist Assistant Program Open House Presentation.pdf​


Physical Therapist Assistant

Faculty and Staff

​Name & Title ​Phone ​Email ​Room
Erin DiCapo, Program Director 
​312-850-7021 2103-C
Hannah Tulchinsky, ACCE    