Grades First

Gradesfirst combines academic early alerts with advising and tutoring appointment management. Access GradesFirst anywhere using your CCC username and password - even from your phone!

Early Alerts: An opportunity to improve student retention and success.

Completing GradesFirst Early Alerts for your students means they will be contacted and provided resources at CCC to help them succeed and stay on track! 

Attendance increases the likelihood that students will successfully persist and complete their classes.  During the attendance campaign, City Colleges Call Center Staff reach out to all students who are marked absent by their professor in GradesFirst for any of their courses.   

There are many resources at CCC to help students succeed and meet their academic and career goals.  Issuing an Early Alert in GradesFirst, professors can identify students in need of support who are then provided with resources and referrals to academic advising, tutoring, and other student services.      

Students can log into GradesFirst to find their assigned Advisor and schedule advising and tutoring appointments.     

The role of the Call Center, Tutoring Centers, and College Advisors:               
  1. Low Attendance Is Affecting Academic Progress
    Students who received an attendance related progress report will be contacted by the Call Center within
    24-48 hours.
  2. Low Test Scores, Low Quiz Scores, and/or Missing Assignments
    Tutoring Centers will contact students who receive the “Low Test Scores, Low Quiz Scores, and/or Missing Assignments” alert reason.

    Please provide details on how a tutor could best support your students. Tutors benefit from understanding what content and study skills are impacting the student’s performance in class.

  3. Non-Academic Issue Is Impacting Performance
    Students identified as at-risk due to a "Non-Academic" issue will be contacted by advisors for a referral to the Disability Access Center (DAC), Veterans Services, the Wellness Center, and other resources.
As one faculty member who uses GradesFirst attests:    


 I think GradesFirst has been helpful, as I noticed that students take the messages seriously and it lets them know what steps they can take to improve their grades. Reaching out to students individually makes them realize that someone is looking out for them, and for many students, this prompts them to take action to improve. I plan to use GradesFirst on a more regular basis each semester, now that I am familiar with it.    

If you have not used GradesFirst, log in and check it out today.    


With GradesFirst   

Students can:              


  • Schedule advising and tutoring appointments online.  
  • Communicate with their advisors via phone, email, text messaging, or Facebook.

Faculty can:

  • Easily identify which students need additional help and notify both students and advisors, who can then assist students with additional academic support, tutoring, or referrals. 

Advisors can:

  • Put their advising availability online.
  • Communicate with students via phone, email, text messaging, or Facebook

Administrators can:              

  • Run reports to track advising efforts and ensure students are on the path to success.

GradesFirst features include:

  • Easy access from any computer connected to the web.
  • Easy access from a mobile device.
  • Easy access from Facebook.
  • Enhanced Early Alert System allowing faculty members to quickly notify both students and advisors when students are struggling in classes.
  • Online appointment-making features for advising and tutoring.
  • Calendars that reflect class schedules and sync with private calendars.
