City Colleges of Chicago At a Glance


  • Size: The largest community college system in Illinois and one of the largest
    in the nation, with more than 4,500 faculty and staff serving about 77,000
    students annually. 
  • Scope: The system includes seven colleges, five satellite sites, and dozens of adult education instruction off-sites citywide. It also oversees the Washburne Culinary Institute, two restaurants, a cafe, five Child Development Centers, the Workforce
    Academy, and WKKC-FM. 


  • Centers of Excellence: Each City College is a comprehensive community college with a center of excellence in a growing field: healthcare, TDL, business, advanced
    manufacturing, information technology, education, and culinary arts and hospitality
    . Companies and universities help to align curricula
    and facilities with employer demand.
  • Work-based Learning: City Colleges has announced a goal of ensuring at least half of its graduates take advantage of a work-based learning opportunity while at City Colleges or immediately after.      



  • Completion and enrollment growth: 
    • The number of degrees being awarded annually has doubled since 2009.  
    • The graduation rate has tripled since 2009, preliminarily reaching 24 percent in FY2018, the highest City Colleges’ history.
  • 4-year
     CCC has robust transfer agreements with four-year
    institutions, including at Illinois Institute of Technology, University of
    Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, DePaul University
    and Lewis University.  More than 25 four-year institutions offer additional scholarships for transferring Star Scholars.
