Italian Studies - World Languages

Jacqueline M Cunningham M.Ed. M.A. Linguistics

Department Chair

Italian is spoken by 64 million people in 29 countries worldwide including Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Malta and even parts of Croatia. From the Alps in the north to Sicily in the south, today Italy is both mountain and Mediterranean home to 61 million creative and friendly people. With the seventh strongest economy in the world, Italy is the birthplace of western culture, politics, philosophy, music, and science. Italian studies spans classical and modern culture from ancient Rome in 753 BCE with Julius Cesar to the renaissance in Siena and Florence with Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Botticelli to the modern republic in 1946.   

Italian Studies is more than just studying a language. Italian is a living rich culture that can lead to exciting careers in travel, culinary arts, government, fashion, painting, sculpture, theater, music, and business.





ITALIAN 101 First Course Italian – Pronunciation and basic structures, speech patterns, reading, and writing skills. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.  Prerequisites: None. Credit Hours: 4  


ITALIAN 102 Second Course Italian –Continuation of Italian 101. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Prerequisites: Placement test, or Italian 101, or Consent of Department Chairperson.  Credit Hours: 4  


ITALIAN 103 Third Course Italian –Review and development of basic language skills, conducted in Italian. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.  Prerequisites: Placement test, or Italian 102, or Consent of Department Chairperson. Credit Hours: 4 


ITALIAN 104 Fourth Course Italian –Review of language structure and interpretation of readings, conducted in Italian. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.  Prerequisites: Placement test, or Italian 103, or Consent of Department Chairperson. Credit Hours: 4  


ITALIAN 206 Intensive Oral Practice Italian –Practice in spoken language, fluency and accuracy. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.  Prerequisites: Placement test, or Italian 104, or Consent of Department Chairperson. Credit Hours: 4