Find Success After Graduation

Here are some of the services available to CCC alumni

Get Transfer Support         
Our students and alumni have access to transfer experts and resources each of the seven City Colleges. Learn more here​.   

Get Help with Your Career Search         

Need help with your resume, interview skills, and job search? There is a Career Planning and Placement team at each City College to help! 
Alumni also have access to CIty Colleges’ Career Network job board.

Reverse Transfer       

If you transfer to another college or university before completing your associate degree at City Colleges of Chicago (CCC), you can still earn an associate degree through Reverse Transfer of Credit.​ Learn more here. ​ 

Get Your Official City Colleges Transcripts

City Colleges of Chicago offers online transcript ordering and processing available to students 24/7 using technology provided by Parchment. Learn more and order your trnscripts here​. ​​​​​​​​​