Local 1600 Special Enrollment

2019 Local 1600 Special Enrollment Period 
April 22–May 7, 2019 


City Colleges of Chicago and Local 1600 have agreed on a new contract. Part of the contract calls for the elimination of the grandfathered medical plans that have been offered to eligible Local 1600 employees. In order to implement this change, a Special Enrollment will be held beginning April 22, 2019, through May 7, 2019. The medical plan under which you are currently enrolled will be terminated on June 30, 2019. Therefore, during this Special Enrollment, employees and covered retirees must elect coverage under one of the new medical plans.  
If you do not elect coverage under one of the new plans, you will not have any medical coverage beginning July 1, 2019.                                        
Please review the Special Enrollment Newsletter and the HMO and PPO comparison documents to understand the differences between the plan that will be discontinued and the new plan.                                
                                                   2019 Benefit Guides       
Local 1600 FT Faculty (301 & 303)
Local 1600 FT Training Specialists (321)
Local 1600 Professionals (441)
Local 1600 Middle Colleges (444)

Local 1600 Professionals (447) Guide
Local 1600 & Surviving Spouses – Non-Subsidized
Local 1600 – Subsidized
Transition of Care





