Assessment Committee

Our Operating Procedures

Our executive leadership team consists of three board members: 
  • The Chairperson
  • The Recorder
The executive board plans and carries out the work of the committee through delegation of tasks and team building.  They complete the administrative paperwork necessary to carry on the business of the committee, keep records, and enforce the rules and by-laws.  They may convene special sub committees or working teams temporarily as needed. Specific duties are described below.   
The chairperson is expected to:   
  • Officially call for meetings
  • Prepare and communicate meeting agendas
  • Preside over meetings, maintaining rules of order and observing time constraints
  • Drafts the yearly strategic plan and budget
  • Keeps records of available funds in the budget vs. expenditures
  • Set standards for operating procedures in collaboration with administration and membership
  • Ensure that responsibilities are met at or above the established level of standards
  • Coordinate the mentoring program by
    • assigning tasks to mentors
    • Proving mentors with guidance and feedback
  • Lead the team to plan and carry out assessment projects at the college and degree levels.
    • Reviews the student learning outcomes to be assessed
    • Consults with the committee to pick an instrument and an experimental design
    • Oversees the delivery of the assessment and the collection and compiling of data
  • Coordinate and oversee the drafting of all documents and reports
  • Review and approve documents and reports before sending to constituents
  • Oversee educational activities, including the website, professional development activities, social activities, the newsletter, research, etc.
  • Maintain personal knowledge of the various requirements for assessment with regards to accreditation in the Gen Ed, Career, and Co-curricular areas
  • Attend conferences, read research papers, and otherwise keep abreast of
    • Best practices in the assessment of learning
    • Best practices for institutional organization, operations, and leadership strategies
  • Recommend team members to be commended for exceptional work
  • Ensure that the work of the committee is recognized and rewarded.
The Co-Chair is expected to:

  • Plan an conduct meetings in collaboration with the chair and recorder
  • Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair
  • Assist the chair in his or her duties
  • Correspond as necessary with college administration, other college divisions or organizations, and external constituencies when formal communication is appropriate
  • Maintain relationships and affiliations with outside organizations, as necessary
  • Lead the teams overseen by the chair, if leadership duties are not otherwise delegated
  • Assist in the duties of the chair as necessary
  • Attend conferences and read research papers when relevant
The recorder is expected to:    
  • Maintain accurate records of all organizational meetings, including attendance and minutes
  • Compile and disseminate minutes and other public records through appropriate channels
  • Maintain lists of active members and the responsibilities delegated to them
  • Maintains and makes public the calendar of events
  • Maintains the archive of all documents, reports, communications, and data sent or received relevant to the business of the committee
  • Attend conferences and read research papers when relevant
Fall 2012 Semester Activities of the Assessment Committee at Malcolm X College
  • Assessment Week Activities – MXC’s Assessment Committee decided to enhance the collection of the Diversity Survey data with activities centered on our SLO about diversity/global citizenship.  The activities held were advertised through email throughout the week, and are listed below.
    • Monday – “Expressions of Diversity” Contest – Students were asked to submit artistic works to communicate their ideas of diversity.  Follett bookstore and Julie Nycamp from Compass  – our cafeteria donated prizes to be awarded.  The entries were evaluated by a panel of faculty and staff judges, and prizes were awarded.
    • Tuesday – “Diversity Free-Write” – Banners were posted on the Jackson and Van Buren hallways (our main entrances) where students were prompted to express their idea of diversity.
    • Wednesday – Presentation of “Babies” – The movie “Babies” was presented on campus.  This movie tracks the path of four babies of four different cultures without narrative.  The movie was shown, on a loop, for the entire day.
    • Thursday – Diversity/Assessment Roundtable – The Office of Instruction hosted a roundtable discussion with a panel of students to hear their experiences with assessment at the college.  Over a pizza lunch, students shared their perceptions, ideas, and recommendations.  This discussion was captured on film. 
  • Diversity Survey – In collaboration with the Offices of Institutional Research, Instruction, Career Programs, Continuing Education, and Adult Education, class sections were identified for participation in the survey.  Prior to selection, this project was presented to the College through Assessment Committee General Body Meetings, College-Wide Meetings, and e-mail.  After the selection, instructors were notified electronically to expect delivery of the surveys to their mailboxes and given instructions on the administration of the survey.  They were asked to return all surveys to the library, where they would then be forwarded to the Office of Institutional Research for compilation and analysis.  Currently, we are in the process of gathering the surveys.
  • Website – Updated to reflect district wide presentations and individual college work.
  • Timeline – The Assessment Schedule for the next seven years has been established and presented to the District-wide committee for review under separate cover, as of November 15, 2012.