Theater Arts

Theater Arts is a discipline within the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.

The mission of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts is to provide a foundation of outstanding technical, creative and conceptual training. In order to accomplish our mission, all of our disciplines lead to learning objectives that prepare our students to critically think, read and pursue humanistic values and professionalism within the arts. By providing our students with a solid skill set, they are enabled to successfully attain their potential and utilize their talents more effectively.   

Student Learning Outcomes


  1. To promote drama and theatre as civilizing agents within society.
  2. To provide understanding through theatrical expression provoking and sustaining interest in the theatre as a source of insight into the human condition.
  3. To educate and train future practitioners of performing arts both as technicians and performers.
  4. To present plays of all styles and genres reflecting various societies and cultures.
  5. To encourage and promote the  creative  exchange of ideas in all aspects of theatre including interdisciplinary collaboration.
  6. To analyze dramatic theory and criticism of theatre thorough the ages.
  7. To address the ever changing dramatic and theatrical styles, forms, and structures as they emerge as artistic responses to the changing world.