Consultation for Faculty and Staff

The Wellness Center provides consultation for referring a distressed student or co-worker.

The Wellness Center provides consultation to faculty and staff when concerns arise about the well-being of a student or co-worker.  If you believe the person would benefit from Wellness Center services but are uncertain about how to approach them, our staff can help you develop a plan.

In an emergency

CONTACT SECURITY IMMEDIATELY. Threats toward others and suicidal threats and/or gestures always constitute an emergency

Referring to the Supportive Intervention Team (SIT)

SIT provides behavioral threat assessment and conducts supportive interventions for students and employees of concern. To learn more and to submit a Person of Concern report, visit the SIT web page.

Tips for supporting and referring a distressed person to the Wellness Center

• Talk to the person privately
• In a direct way, state your observations
• Express concern; be non-judgmental
• Listen carefully and reflect back what you are told
• Help the person identify possible solutions or alternative behaviors
• Re-state your concern but identify the limits on your ability to help
• Identify and refer to appropriate resources, including the Wellness Center if warranted
• Be careful about promising confidentiality.
• Encourage the person to contact the Wellness Center.  The person can call to make an appointment or walk in during regular business hours.
• Sometimes the person benefits if you make the appointment or accompany them to the Wellness Center

Signs of Emotional Distress


  • Tearfulness
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Agitation
  • Dramatic changes in behavior
  • Persistent or extreme irritability; chronic anger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Paranoid thoughts
  • Persistent, intense, or rapidly changing emotions
  • Chronic sleepiness
  • Poor hygiene
  • Rapid weight gain or loss
  • Disjointed thoughts/garbled speech

Interpersonal Problems

  • Constant requests for help or special accommodations
  • Excessive visits to faculty office or service department
  • Disrespect of personal boundaries
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Conflictual relationships
  • Chronic complaints about others
  • Social isolation

Academic Problems

  • References to suicide or harm to others in class assignments
  • Sudden decline in academic performance
  • Classroom disruption/chronic disturbance of flow of lecture
  • Chronic procrastination
  • Excessive absences or tardiness