ByLaw and Process Inclusions

Assessment Committee By-Laws

Full Details of the Original By-Laws, 2024 Addendum, and Side-by-Side Revisions


This document contains the complete details of the Academic Assessment Committee By-Laws, including:

  • The original by-laws as established in 2022.
  • A detailed side-by-side comparison of revisions in 2024.
  • The 2024 addendum, which adds critical new policies and processes.
Original 2022 By-Laws

Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the Academic Assessment Committee is to oversee and provide guidance for the evaluation of student learning outcomes. The committee aims to ensure continuous improvement in educational quality and alignment with institutional goals.

Article II: Membership

  • Seven full-time faculty members, with representation from various academic departments.
  • One Institutional Research representative (non-voting).
  • Two Student Services representatives (non-voting).

Article III: Responsibilities

The committee is responsible for:

  • Reviewing annual assessment data from all academic departments.
  • Providing written feedback to departments regarding their assessment practices.
  • Recommending improvements to curriculum and assessment strategies based on collected data.

Article IV: Voting Policies

Each voting member of the committee has one vote. Decisions are made by majority rule. In cases of tied votes, the Chair may cast the deciding vote.

Side-by-Side Revisions (2022 vs. 2024)

The following table provides a comprehensive comparison of the original 2022 by-laws and the 2024 revisions:

2022 By-Laws 2024 Revisions
No appeal process for assessment decisions. Added an appeal process with a defined timeline and review structure.
Absentee voting not addressed. Introduced absentee voting for urgent decisions with email and proxy options.
Membership limited to academic departments. Expanded membership to include Student Services and adjunct faculty representatives.
Feedback to departments limited to annual reports. Increased feedback frequency to include semesterly check-ins.

2024 Addendum

Appeal Process

The 2024 addendum introduces a formal appeal process, which includes:

  • Submission of a written appeal within 30 days of the committee’s decision.
  • Review by an independent subcommittee within 15 days of the appeal submission.
  • A final decision communicated to the appellant within 60 days.

Absentee Voting

Absentee voting is permitted for urgent decisions. Members may submit their votes via:

  • Email to the committee Chair.
  • Proxy representation by another member.

Temporary Membership Replacement

To address temporary absences, the Chair will appoint interim members subject to committee approval. Interim members will assume full voting rights during their term.

ByLaw Updates 2024 and Process Inclusions

Rules of Order

Coordinator Position Explanation & Process

  • There will be no more than six academic teams/units, each led by an identified assessment coordinator. Coordinators are not designated to a team based on their discipline/department affiliation and can work with any of the six academic teams. Their responsibilities include overseeing courses in the assessment cycle, disseminating assessment information, conducting assessment reviews, and providing feedback. Coordinators are universal and do not need to be discipline/department-specific.
  • At no time may a Coordinator serve in dual capacity as both assessment chair and assessment coordinator, nor receive release time/special assignment for both roles due to conflicting responsibilities.
  • Coordinators are recruited from within the assessment committee and are voted on by the sitting assessment coordinators and assessment chair. A recruit must have:
    • Served as an active committee member for at least one academic semester during the current year, or
    • Recently completed the full 4-phase assessment cycle process.


  • Upcoming Vacancy: End of Term – During the 3rd year of their term, coordinators who are not serving a second term must identify their intent not to return. This allows for the identification of a recruit who can shadow the outgoing coordinator, ensuring seamless succession planning and continuity.
  • Temporary Replacement – If a coordinator or chair becomes inactive (e.g., leave, resignation), a temporary replacement will be recruited:
    • First from voting members of the assessment committee.
    • If no committee members are available, recruitment will extend to faculty peers who have completed the 4-phase assessment cycle or entered its second year.

    Temporary replacements are ex-officio members and do not vote in place of the inactive coordinator.

Summer Session

No changes, voting, or proposed amendments of any kind shall be enacted during the summer session.

Changing Bylaws

  • Recommendations to remove, add, or modify bylaws may originate from the assessment chair, coordinators, or referendum proposals by actively engaged committee representatives.
  • An assessment coordinator or chair must present an amendment endorsed by the majority of the voting membership.
  • The Assessment Committee must review proposed amendments within 10 business days during the fall or spring semesters. Recommendations will be provided to the coordinators and chair, with members notified of the proposed language at least seven (7) days before voting.
  • Consensus amendments will be:
    • Posted on the D2L Assessment Platform for a minimum of 30 days for feedback.
    • Surveyed, reviewed, modified as applicable, voted on, and finalized for publication.

Amendment Process

Changes to bylaws or the handbook may be brought to the committee for a first reading and acted upon at subsequent meetings, provided the action is announced 48 hours in advance.

Amendment through Initiative Process

  • Any coordinator or chair may propose an amendment.
  • Consent for an amendment initiative must be demonstrated through a majority vote.
  • If approved, the entire committee will participate in the process, following the referendum procedure.

Amending through Referendum Proposal Process

  • Coordinators may approve amendment proposals from engaged committee representatives if all voting members are notified at least seven (7) days before action.
  • Proposals must be included in the agenda before action.
  • Proposals require approval from the majority of serving coordinators and the chair. If a voting member is inactive, the amendment process will halt and resume upon their return.
  • Upon approval, a referendum will allow all committee members to vote. A majority of cast ballots will enact the amendment.

Ratification Process

  • The document, existing team structures, and bylaws may only be ratified by a majority vote in a closed coordinators meeting.
  • Ratification is binding and effective immediately.

Appeal Process

  • Faculty members wishing to question policy or recommendations must notify the committee. If unresolved, Faculty Council officers or Local 1600 officers will be consulted.
  • Appeals must be submitted within 30 days of the decision, with clear grounds and evidence.
  • A Review Panel of three impartial committee members will evaluate the appeal within 10 days.
  • The panel will issue a decision within 30 days, which may affirm, modify, or reverse the original decision.
  • Appeal records will be maintained and reviewed for improvements.

Absentee Voting

Actions requiring a vote will halt until all voting members are active. Temporary motions may address immediate issues but must go through the full amendment process.

Contingency Clause

  • Successor Preparation: Outgoing coordinators or chairs must mentor replacements during their final year to ensure continuity.
  • Temporary Replacement: Selected from committee members by majority vote.
  • Permanent Replacement: Recruitment is expedited and requires a majority vote within 30 days.
  • All replacements adhere to established processes and deadlines.