First-Year Experience

Dr. Charles Collins

Director First-Year Experience

First-Year Experience ​The First-Year Experience Program goal is to assist first-year students with their transition to higher education by connecting them to campus resources and providing focused programming with an emphasis on fostering a sense of belonging and persistence.
The three core pillars of the First-Year Experience Program are:           
  •  Inform: To ensure FY students are continuously informed about critical dates,
    deadlines, scholarships and college policies.
  •  Connect: To ensure FY students are aware of essential campus resources that will
    support their academic and career success.
  • Engage: To encourage FY students to get involved in campus activities that foster
    support, belonging and persistence. 
Students: All first-year students are required to connect with their assigned Advisor and
attend New Student Orientation. By participating at NSO, you will:                        
  • Identify campus resources to assist your transition to KKC
  • Understand academic and community expectations at KKC 
  • Learn about the different clubs and organizations, and mentorship programs
    around campus.
Family Orientation program: Family Orientation allows parents, partners, grandparents, and
other supporters of first-year students to collect the information and skills necessary to support
your student.

First-Experience Programing           
​New Student Convocation
​Convocation is a ceremony to welcome and celebrate incoming students to Kennedy-King
​FYE Mentoring Program   
FYE Mentoring Program was designed to provide additional support to a select number of firstyear students and to connect them with faculty and staff at Kennedy-King College that will
provide guidance in their career choices.        


Summer Start
Summer Start is a 6-week summer bridge program that creates a supportive bridge for CPS
graduates to take college-level classes with support to improve their English and Math skills and
get a head start on their degree.                        

Brown Bag Series “Chat with President Webb -Walker
The Brown Bag Series was designed to provide a platform for first-year students to speak frankly
with the President of the college about issues and suggestions they feel are important.