Tutoring @ Wright
Gabe Estill
Associate Dean of Instruction

Tutoring @ Wright offers one-on-one and group appointments for a variety of courses and services. For more information about our tutoring center or to schedule an appointment, visit us in our Zoom room at https://cccedu.zoom.us/j/9659201186. You may also self-schedule an appointment via Navigate. Walk-ins are welcome!
To visit us in our Zoom room:
- Go to https://cccedu.zoom.us/j/9659201186
- Sign in with your ccc username and password
- Front Desk will admit you into the meeting room from the waiting room
- Once admitted, let the Front Desk know what you need help with. If you would like to join, schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment, please have your student ID number ready.
For more information on special events and workshops, visit our Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/tutoringatwright/
Tell us about your experience — take our tutor feedback survey! Click Here
What Tutors Expect From Students |
- Don’t procrastinate. We are happy to assist you with study prep, note taking, brainstorming, and final revisions, but please do not wait until the last minute to request tutoring services. It is important to remember that tutoring sessions are limited in time, so plan accordingly.
- Come prepared to tutoring sessions. Bring any relevant textbooks, syllabi, class materials, notes, and papers. It is easier for the tutors to provide excellent tutoring service if you bring the appropriate materials to a tutoring session. Additionally, it is important for your tutor to refer back to any relevant materials provided by your instructor.
- Read your textbook and any relevant material provided by your instructor. It is difficult for you to understand the course material if you have not read assigned pages from the textbook. Additionally, the tutors cannot provide assistance if you have not read the appropriate material(s).
- Come with a plan and questions. Know what material you would like to cover within that tutoring session. Actively participate in the tutoring sessions by having a list of questions to ask your assigned tutor.
- Tutors will not do your homework for you. We strongly encourage you to attempt to complete your assignment prior to requesting a tutor so you can take note of specific concepts where you need help. You and your tutor can review these concepts and work through similar problems. However, the tutor cannot do your homework for you nor help you with take-home tests, quizzes, or projects.
- Be Respectful. Do not talk on your cell phone or cause distractions while working with your assigned tutor.
Tutoring Policies & Procedures |
· Please arrive early to your appointment. Tutoring appointments start at the top of the hour and last for 50 minutes.
· Students may schedule one tutoring appointment per course per day for up to two appointments at a time
· Recurring appointments are reserved for students with documentation from the Disability Access Center
· Under our reopening guidelines, please wear a face covering at all times inside the building, maintain social distance, and sanitize and/or wash your hands before and after you enter/leave our tutoring centers. If you are sick or are experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms, please either attend your appointment remotely or reschedule your appointment for a later date and time.