
Mapping articulates how the curriculum and learning goals match together. Gathering evidence of student learning follows, which involves determining assessment methods and identifying the measures.

There is strictly no right or wrong to handle the mapping process. Each of the approaches below might have strengths and weaknesses of its own. The five levels of mapping learning outcomes are as follow:              
  1. Program Outcomes-Course Mapping
  2. Course Outcomes-Program Outcomes Mapping
  3. Assessments – Course Outcomes Mapping
  4. Syllabus – Course Outcomes Mapping
  5. Questions – Course Outcomes Mapping
Level 1: PO-COURSE MAPPING [Program Outcome: PO]              

 This first and foremost step of Learning Outcome is that it should be mapped with Program outcomes. Program Outcomes which were earlier referred to as Graduate Attributes is all about what you expect from a graduate. Compliable with Bloom’s Taxonomy, this level of mapping lets the instructor set up threshold values alongside the program learning.            


Level 2: CO – PO MAPPING [Course Outcome – Program Outcome]              

Aligning program level outcomes with course-level outcomes is the second level of mapping. This level of outcomes mapping focuses on student learning, and it allows faculty to create a visual map of a program. It is also the exact place to explore how students are meeting program-level outcomes at the course level.
Level 3: ASSESSMENTS – CO MAPPING              
This level of mapping facilitates the alignment of various Assessments with the Courses Outcomes. This form of mapping would represent what will the students know and be able to do as a result of this course at the course-level. If in case the course outcome relates to a campus-wide learning outcome, the ISLO is to be featured too. In that case, what are the ways used to assess the outcome? Is it by writing a report that you score by a rubric or by a presentation? What was the total student performance on the assessment? Were students able to achieve the desired percentage levels? Lastly, as an instructor what did the instructor learn from assessing students which altered his/her way of teaching?              
Level 4: SYLLABUS – CO MAPPING              
This is the main component in the whole of mapping levels. This shows how the entire syllabus gets mapped with the Courses in the given course time.              
Level 5: QUESTIONS – CO MAPPING              
It is at this level that the students develop an insight into becoming powerful questioners. An authentic inquiry learning with a visual summary on a topic is mapped with the courses. Bloom’s various levels are catered to here.              
These five levels of mapping articulate how the curriculum and learning goals match together. As a next step, gathering evidence of student learning follows, which involves determining assessment methods and identifying the measures.              
Benefits of Mapping Learning Outcomes              
  • It identifies how the required courses add to the achievement of program outcomes
  • Expands the student achievement in achieving program outcomes
  • Works on reflection by revealing gaps in the curriculum and propagates remedial classes
  • The course instructors become fully aware of other courses in which students achieve similar outcomes and can plan their syllabi accordingly. Thus, reinforcing the outcomes, helping in skill/knowledge development, and avoiding overlap
  • Helps to determine the course prerequisites and program requirements based on how the outcomes fit together
  • It shows the logic and overall design of a program and captures the relevance of its courses

