Tutoring Center
Chiara Nease
Daley College's Academic Support Center offers free tutoring and academic support services to assist students in achieving personal and academic success. We have tutors available in a wide variety of subjects to assist students through one-on-one and group tutoring sessions. We also offer educational workshops monthly, and have compiled several educational resources for students, which are available in both hard copy in our tutoring center, and digitally under the "educational student resources" tab on the right.
Chiara Nease (cnease@ccc.edu) – Director, Academic Support Services
Tutoring Services
Taking advantage of tutoring services is quick and easy.
- Make an appointment using these instructions on Navigate (this is highly encouraged, though we do accept walk-ins) OR
- Visit our Tutoring Center. Meet the tutoring staff and make arrangements for tutoring services.
- We offer tutoring in person or online, via our zoom link. (If you have trouble logging in, please see this handout)
- Note that each student may only schedule one appointment per subject each week (ie: one writing session with an English tutor, one calculus session with a Math tutor, one science session with a Biology tutor, etc.) Each appointment can be up to one hour.
- For each appointment, please bring your student ID, any class materials you have, and if applicable, your laptop and charger. If necessary, we do have some computers available in the tutoring center for student use during appointments.
Note that any CCC student can obtain tutoring services at any of the seven colleges, as long as you have your student ID!
- Richard J. Daley Main Campus – 3114 and 3115
- Arturo Velasquez – 2201C
What Tutors Expect From Students
- Don’t procrastinate. We are happy to assist you with study prep, note taking, brainstorming, and final revisions, but please do not wait until the last minute to request tutoring services. It is important to remember that tutoring sessions are limited in time (1 hour max per session) so plan accordingly.
- Come prepared to tutoring sessions. Read and bring any relevant textbooks, syllabi, class materials, notes, and papers. It is easier for the tutors to provide excellent tutoring service if you bring the appropriate materials to a tutoring session. Additionally, it is important for your tutor to refer back to any relevant materials provided by your instructor. Tutors also cannot provide assistance if you have not read the assigned material(s) from your professor.
- Tutors will not do your homework for you. We strongly encourage you to attempt to complete your assignment prior to requesting a tutor so you can take note of specific concepts where you need help. You and your tutor can review these concepts and work through similar problems. However, the tutor cannot do your homework for you nor help you with take-home tests, quizzes, or projects.
- Be Respectful. Please silence your cell phone and do not cause distractions while working with your assigned tutor.
Subjects Available for Tutoring
- Accounting & Business
- Art, History & Humanities
- Biology
- Criminal Justice
- Engineering
- English – Reading & Writing
- ESL (for non-native English speakers)
- GED Prep
- Math
- Physics
- Spanish
Other Tutoring Centers