Faculty Council of the City Colleges of Chicago

Viggy Alexandersson

President of Faculty Council

Faculty Council represents the faculty in all matters of general academic policy, such as curriculum, program development, academic freedom, and professional development.
Welcome to the official webpage of the Faculty Council of the City Colleges of Chicago (FC4)!
Here, you will find information about issues relevant to higher education faculty as well as institutional resources and FC4 position statements on topics that most directly impact CCC faculty. Here, you will also find news that celebrates faculty initiative and achievement. As your faculty representatives, we hope this page will serve as a significant resource to all CCC faculty.

Faculty and Staff

President: Viggy Alexandersson, Malcolm X College, (calexandersson@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Enid Wells, Kennedy-King College, (ewells7@ccc.edu)
Secretary: Julius Nadas, Wilbur Wright College, (jnadas@ccc.edu)

Harold Washington College:

President: Alisa Allkins (aallkins@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Allan Wilson (on sabbatical)(awilson43@ccc.edu)
Secretary: Nick Ceh (nceh@ccc.edu)

Harry S. Truman College:

President: Andrew Kerr (akerr2@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Mahesh Gurung (mgurung1@ccc.edu)
Secretary: Lauren Montgomery (lmontgomery39@ccc.edu)

Kennedy-King College:

President: Enid Wells (ewells7@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Arlicia Corley (acorley@ccc.edu)
Secretary (Corresponding): Kerry Luckett (kluckett7@ccc.edu)
Secretary (Recording): Amelia Zimet (azimet@ccc.edu)

Malcolm X College:

President: Andrew Ball (aball@ccc.edu
Vice President: Erin DiCapo (edicapo@ccc.edu)  
Secretary: Joseph Suglia (jsuglia@ccc.edu)

Olive-Harvey College: 

President: Luis Miguel Delgado Quevedo (ldelgado@ccc.edu
Vice President: Kristee Davis (kdavis118@ccc.edu
Secretary: Cornelia Forrester (cforrester@ccc.edu)

Richard J. Daley College:

President: Jeremy Basso (jbasso1@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Webb Hicks (whicks5@ccc.edu)
Secretary: John Nino (jnino5@ccc.edu)

Wilbur Wright College:

Interim President: Susan Colon (scolon20@ccc.edu)
Vice President: Susan Colon (scolon20@ccc.edu
Co-Secretaries: Merry Mayer (mmayer2@ccc.edu) and Anna Proffit (aproffit@ccc.edu