Professional Development Learning Outcomes for CCC Online Faculty

Faculty who teach online must have a comprehensive training in online instruction. All faculty teaching online must have successfully completed training which incorporates the learning outcomes outlined here.

Learning Outcomes 

Faculty who have completed training in online instruction other than the approved course work should contact Steven Bradford at or Angela Winters-Harmon at to discuss a review of the coursework.  


Quality Matters (QM)

Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery (Course Description @ QM)  

  • Apply best practices in teaching and learning in an online learning environment.
  • Explain the role of the instructor in an online learning environment.
  • Explain the learner’s role in online learning.
  • Develop a resource to help learners be successful in the role of an online learner.
  • Explain the importance of orienting learners to online learning.
  • List methods of engaging and motivating learners in an online course.
  • Explain the importance of instructor interaction and timely feedback in online courses.
  • Determine appropriate instructor interaction and feedback in online courses.
  • List best practices for facilitating discussion boards.
  • Create a discussion board rubric for assessing learner participation in discussion boards.
  • Align assessment methods with learning objectives or competencies.


Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (Course Description @ QM)  

  • Recognize the foundational concepts of Quality Matters.
  • Identify the critical elements of the QM quality assurance program, including the QM Rubric, materials, processes, and administrative components.
  • Apply the QM Rubric to review online courses.
  • Make decisions on whether the demo course meets selected QM Rubric Standards.
  • Apply the concept of alignment.
  • Draft helpful recommendations for course improvement by citing annotations from the QM Rubric and evidence from the course.

Illinois Online Network (ION) 

Overview of Online Learning  

  • Identify skills and responsibilities students need to succeed in the virtual classroom.
  • Identify skills and responsibilities facilitators need to succeed in the virtual classroom.
  • Identify the characteristics of curriculum used in the online paradigm as contrasted with curriculum used in the traditional classroom.
  • Critique the appropriateness of specific course design elements and technologies with respect to curriculum and course objectives in selected online courses.
  • Understand instructional design strategies to promote communication and collaborative learning in online courses.
Instructional Design Elements for Online Course Development       

  • Understand the Instructional Design Principles.
  • Understand Instructional Design Models.
  • Understand how to conduct appropriate analyses of an online course.
  • Write effective learning outcomes.
  • Develop an instructional strategy.
  • Organize learning sequences.
  • Understand how to evaluate online courses.

Key elements of Student Assessment in Online Courses        

  • Analyze online assessment issues using theoretical, technical, and practical frameworks.
  • Demonstrate ability to create a variety of assessment tools by completing mini-assessment plan assignments and other assessment activities.
  • Apply online assessment models to the online learning environment.
  • Ability to discuss the major benefits and limitations of different type of assessments.
  • Ability to use multiple forms of assessments in online courses.
