Capital Planning and Construction
Lylyana (Lane) Fowlie
Director, Capital Planning & Construction

The CPC mission is to ensure that projects approved by the Board of Trustees and senior leadership are carried out on time and on budget, with sensitivity and concern for the needs of end users and the City Colleges of Chicago community as a whole.
Capital Planning & Construction has system-wide responsibility for planning, designing, and constructing fixed assets including new and existing buildings, furnishings and equipment and utility infrastructure. The office engages in a broad range of activities, from planning and feasibility studies, to providing high-quality campus master planning and construction services for major construction and renovation projects around the campus community.
Capital Planning
Each year a District-wide facility assessment is conducted to determine the life-cycle condition of all District assets. A prioritized Capital Investment Plan is prepared that reflects all anticipated repair, maintenance, and construction projects.
Capital Planning & Construction provides technical expertise and management services for the design and construction of capital projects. Our team guides the physical development of all campuses, with resources that include fundraising, grant application preparation, and planning.