Safety & Security
Donyal Williams
Interim Security Director

In Case of Emergency
Call 911 from any CCC telephone or from any cell phone. Then notify Security at (773) 291-6348, to mobilize local emergency resources.
Evacuation Plan Active Shooter Quick Reference
Safety Resources
Olive-Harvey All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
South Chicago Learning Center All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Assesses the current state of preparedness at a college, proposes measures to improve preparedness, and describes the coordinated response and recovery to a range of natural and man-made occurrences. The Addendum details the emergency and evacuation responsibilities and procedures for all CCC personnel.
CCC Alert Emergency Notification System
Notifies you quickly in the event of an emergency via email, text message, and/or voice messages.
Active Shooter Preparedness
Homeland Security Website’s resource to prepare you for an active shooter situation.
Supportive Intervention Team
Evaluates concerns about students or employees who may be distressed, disturbed, destructive, or dangerous. Find out more or submit a Person of Concern form.
Security Drills: Regular security procedure drills are held at each location to familiarize faculty, staff and students with emergency procedures.
Wellness Centers
Provide mental health and other social services to support personal well-being and academic success.
Harold Washington | (312) 553-5643 | Room 206 |
Harry S Truman | (773) 907-4800 | Room 1112 |
Kennedy-King | (773) 602-5148 | Room V-132 |
Malcolm-X | (312) 850-7168 | Room 1208 |
Olive-Harvey | (773) 291-6348 | Room 1109 |
Richard J. Daley | (773) 838-7608 | Room 1114 |
Wilbur Wright | (773) 481-8970 | Campus Center |
District Office | (312) 553-2575 | Room 100 |
- ID Card Policy
All personnel who enter the building must display an official CCC ID card at all times while in the building. Photo identification cards can be obtained at the District Office Security Desk on the first floor. Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately. The CCC ID card is the property of the City Colleges of Chicago. You may be charged for a replacement ID card. - Sex Offender Registry Policy
Under the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, convicted sex offenders enrolled or employed at institutions of higher education, whether on a full- or part-time basis, must register with their employer or college.
Evacuation Plan
In the event of a fire alarm emergency, a strobe will activate on the affected floors. Employees should listen to their floor leaders and the PA system. If notified to evacuate the building, do so as quickly and safely as possible using the stairs located on the South, Center and North wings of the building. Follow the instructions of the Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Police Department, Safety & Security, Engineering and the Floor Leaders on your floor. Each floor has three volunteer floor leaders to assist you during emergencies. Ask a Safety and Security supervisor for a list of the floor leaders on your floor.
How to Respond to an Active Shooter Situation
An active shooter is an individual engaged in randomly killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.
1) RUN
- Have an escape route and plan in mind
- Leave your belongings behind
- Keep your hands visible
- Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
- Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors
- Silence your cell phone
- As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to incapacitate the shooter
- Act with physical aggression
For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s website.