Faculty Council of the City Colleges of Chicago
Viggy Alexandersson
President of Faculty Council
Faculty Council represents the faculty in all matters of general academic policy, such as curriculum, program development, academic freedom, and professional development.
Welcome to the official webpage of the Faculty Council of the City Colleges of Chicago (FC4)!
Here, you will find information about issues relevant to higher education faculty as well as institutional resources and FC4 position statements on topics that most directly impact CCC faculty. Here, you will also find news that celebrates faculty initiative and achievement. As your faculty representatives, we hope this page will serve as a significant resource to all CCC faculty.
Faculty and Staff
- President: Viggy Alexandersson, Malcolm X College, (valexandersson@ccc.edu)
- Vice President: Enid Wells, Kennedy-King College, (ewells7@ccc.edu)
- Secretary: Julius Nadas, Wilbur Wright College, (jnadas@ccc.edu)
Harold Washington College
- FC4 Representation: Alisa Allkins (HWC FC President), (aallkins@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Loretta Visomirskis, (lvisomirskis@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Jennifer Armendarez (jarmendarez@ccc.edu)
Harry S Truman College
- FC4 Representation: Andrew Kerr (HTC FC President), (akerr2@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Marta Hidegkuti, (mhidegkuti@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Vijayalakshmi Natarajan, (vnatarajan@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Elia Lopez, (elopez@ccc.edu)
Kennedy-King College
- FC4 Representation: Enid Wells (KKC FC President), (ewells7@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Celeste McGill, (cmcgill@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Kerry Luckett, (kluckett7@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Amelia Zimet, (azimet@ccc.edu)
Malcolm X College
- FC4 Representation: Erin DiCapo (MXC FC President), (edicapo@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Halle Morrison, (hmorrison@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Onna Ford-Kendrick, (ofordkendrick@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Cynthia Doby, (cdoby@ccc.edu)
Olive-Harvey College
- FC4 Representation: Cornelia Forrester (OHC FC President), (cforrester@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Michele Graham, (mgraham@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Sharon Silverman, (ssilverman1@ccc.edu)
Richard J. Daley College
- FC4 Representation: Jeremy Basso (RDC FC President), (jbasso1@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Tatiana Sazonova, (tsazonova@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Ana Arredondo, (aarredondo@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Valerie Neylon, (vneylon@ccc.edu)
Wilbur Wright College
- FC4 Representation: Bridget Roche (WWC FC President), (broche1@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Jan Knapp Caporale, (jknapp-caporale@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Paul Croitoru, (pcroitoru@ccc.edu)
- FC4 Representation: Merry Mayer, (mmayer2@ccc.edu)
Honorary Life Membership
- Emeritus FC4 Representation (non-voting): Julius Nadas, Wilbur Wright College, (jnadas@ccc.edu)
- Emeritus FC4 Representation (non-voting): Jennifer Alexander, Richard J. Daley College, (jalexander27@ccc.edu)
In addition to FC4 representation per college, there are several standing and ad hoc committees as well as subcommittees that FC4 stewards throughout each academic year. Below is a non-exhaustive list of those committees.