PACC Program Development Information

On this page you will find an overview of information and resources needed to begin your program development. See the PACC Manual for details.
The Principal Advocate (PA) who intends to develop a new program is advised to consult the ICCB Form 20 and the program rubrics for an outline of the required sections for proposing a new program, degree, or certificate as well as content and employment specialists.

The PA will submit a program abstract at the beginning of the process. The program abstract is arguably one of the most important documents to ensure the success of the proposal. It allows any reviewer a snapshot of the pertinent aspects of the proposal and highlights the significant points and reasons for approving the program (degree or certificate). The abstract is the public face of the proposal and will travel with the proposal through the entire process, including serving as a synopsis for the ICCB/IBHE approval and for other external agency submissions. 
Program submission categories are as follows:
1) Add a new program (Degrees/Certificates) with no associated new courses
2) Add a new program (Degrees/Certificates) with associated new courses
3) Revising an existing program