TRiO Educational Talent Search
Miguel Millett
Director of TRiO Educational Talent Search

The progressive history of TRiO began as a direct result of the Johnson administration’s War on Poverty in 1964. The first outreach program established was Upward Bound. A year later, Educational Talent Search was created as part of the Higher Education Act. In 1968, Student Support Services became the third program in the series, thus creating the term "TRiO" to describe the family of federal programs. As the first TRiO program to exist within the City Colleges of Chicago, Educational Talent Search has assisted thousands of students in gaining access to college for more than 20 years. The program was first located at Dawson Technical Institute, a subsidiary of Kennedy‐King. Today, Kennedy-King’s Educational Talent Search program is housed at the main campus and proudly serves more than 650 students annually, grades 7-12.
Faculty and Staff
Case Managers
Kayla Gehrling
Office Y-116
(773) 602-5027