Academics College

Office of Instruction

The Office of Instruction works to maintain the academic integrity of the curriculum, empowers faculty in the classroom, and supports student success in a dynamic learning environment.

MISSION STATEMENT                                                            

The mission of the Office of Instruction is to provide a quality education, commensurate in academic rigor to that of the first two years of a four-year college or university. We strive to ensure that the knowledge and experiences gained at Kennedy-King College adequately prepare students for transfer to baccalaureate institution and/or employment. Each discipline conducts course and program assessments, and participates in institution-wide assessment. Assessment outcomes are used to update and improve our curriculum. We continuously offer new programs which address the needs of local, national and global communities.​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​


Credit Programs

Adult Education

Continuing Education

Programs for High School Students

Online Learning


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