CCC Online Bookstore

If you need help ordering your books, step-by-step book ordering instructions are located here.

When you log in with your CCC username and password, you will see a list of the courses you are registered for and the books you will need for those courses. You can choose from new, used, rental, and eBook options to find the best format and price for you, and pay using your financial aid book voucher.

Purchasing Books for SP 2025

The last day to use your Spring book voucher will be Saturday, February 15, 2025.  Please note that book vouchers are disabled and invalid after a financial aid refund has disbursed, which may be before February 15th. Please visit Financial Aid – City Colleges of Chicago for information about the Financial Aid Key Dates and the CCC Financial Aid Guide

Using a Book Voucher

​To use your book voucher, you must be logged into the CCC Online Bookstore using your CCC username and password. Please remember that you must authorize your book voucher before you are able to use it. For more information on authorizing your book voucher, please click here. If your voucher does not cover the full cost of the order, you will need to pay the remaining balance using a debit or credit card.

* City Colleges of Chicago conducts system maintenance from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays. Your book voucher will not be available during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Track Your CCC Online Bookstore Order

If you ordered your books from the CCC Online Bookstore and are waiting for them to arrive, track your book order by logging into your account and then reviewing your order history. If the order was shipped via UPS, SurePost, or USPS Priority, you can click on the tracking number to follow the progress of your package. If you have any questions after you’ve tracked your order, contact Customer Support via phone (866) 551-9481 or email​