The Office of Instruction provides oversight and direction for the General Education curriculum at Malcolm X College.
Malcolm X College’s General Education curriculum empowers students to acquire the broad base of knowledge necessary to understand their personal, moral, and ethical responsibilities to act as leaders.
The learning experiences provided through general education are designed to build effective communication skills, to strengthen critical thinking, to foster analytical inquiry, to inspire awareness of history, to embrace diversity, cultural pride and identity, and to form a basis for responsible citizenship.
The Office of Instruction administers the General Education curriculum at Malcolm X College.
The General Education courses at MXC are designed to equip all students with the skills to prepare students to achieve academic, career, and personal success. All degree-seeking students are required to take a minimum of 15 credits in the general education courses.
The General Education curriculum at Malcolm X College includes courses in the disciplines of Fine Arts, Humanities, Literature, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, World Languages, and Written and Oral Communication. This curriculum provides students with an intellectual foundation in the ideas, knowledge, and perspectives from diverse academic and cultural traditions. The General Education courses enable students to learn and apply scholarship from multiple disciplines in order to solve complex and everyday academic, social, ethical, and philosophical problems of local and global significance. Furthermore, it enables students to develop broader cultural understanding and sensitivity that is useful during their education and beyond.
The General Education program also functions as the space for acquiring and developing the skills necessary for the completion of an associate’s degree, transfer to a four-year university, and/or completion of a professional certificate.
Furthermore, it enables students to develop broader cultural understanding and sensitivity that is useful during their education and beyond.
The aim of Inclusive Pedagogy is to advance the education of all students, particularly those who are culturally, linguistically, and cognitively learning diverse, through teacher development coupled with teachers’ analysis of their thinking and practice in relationship to all students in their classrooms and schools (Teemant & Pinnegar, 2019).
General Education Core Abilities (also Institutional SLOs)
Students successfully completing the General Education curriculum will show the ability to:
- Apply critical, ethical, and logical thinking
- Engage in effective oral and written communication
- Demonstrate quantitative reasoning
- Demonstrate scientific competency
- Access and apply technological information literacy
- Articulate cultural understanding and sensitivity
Office of Instruction Directory
Wendy Arzate, Dean Instruction
(312) 850-7297 / warzate1@ccc.edu
Glasetta Barksdale, Associate Dean
Office: 2401-R
(312) 850-7288 / gbarksdale@ccc.edu
Dr. Lauren Lewis, Associate Dean
Office: 2401-S
(312) 850-7126 / llewis182@ccc.edu
Nagieh Omer, Associate Dean
Office: 2401-P
(312) 850-7282 / nomer1@ccc.edu
Alejandra Tafoya, Assistant Dean of Early College & Matriculation
Office: 2407
(312) 850-4589 / atafoya1@ccc.edu
Sheila Vaughn, Academic Operations Coordinator
Office: 2401-W
(312) 850-7302 / svaughn3@ccc.edu
Tonya R. J. Gilmer, College Admin. Asst. I
English, Literature & Speech
Office: 2415-43
(312) 850-7306 / tgilmer@ccc.edu
Shanza Khan, College Admin. Asst. I
Natural & Social Science
Office: 2401-46
(312) 850-7337 / skhan240@ccc.edu