Program level Student Learning Outcomes


  • Define and utilize correct medical terminology               

  • Identify the health care provider in hospitals and clinics and the phlebotomist role as a member of the team.               

  • List the types of laboratory analysis performed in the various section of the clinical laboratory and how they are utilized to diagnose disease conditions.               

  • Demonstrate knowledge of infection control and safety and how to implement them in the laboratory environment and the phlebotomy procedure.               

  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of body systems and anatomic terminology in order to relate major areas of the clinical laboratory to general pathologic conditions associated with the body system.          

  • Identify the veins of the arms, hands, legs and feet on which phlebotomy is performed. *Demonstrate knowledge of collection equipment, various types of additives used, special precautions necessary and substances that can interfere in clinical analysis of blood constituents.          

  • Identify potential sites for venipuncture and capillary puncture and demonstrate the steps in the preparation of a puncture site and proper specimen collection.                

  • Upon completion of this course student will able to rotate independently in a clinical setting and accurately and successfully perform phlebotomy procedures on adults, children and infants under minimal supervision, while critically assessing every steps.           

  • List the types of laboratory analysis performed in the various section of the clinical laboratory and how they are utilized to diagnose disease conditions.   Phlebotomy 209 Student Learning Outcomes   *Perform venipuncture and capillary punctures on patients (i.e., adults, children and infants).           

  • To become familiar with procedures to collect specimens which require special collection techniques.               

  • Demonstrate understanding of requisition, specimen, processing and transportation.           

  •  Recognize the circumstances that would lead to recollection and/or rejection of specimens and the understanding of quality assurance (QA) in phlebotomy.                

  • Demonstrate the understanding of the basic concepts of verbal, non-verbal, and written communication in healthcare.                

  • List blood collection complications and procedural errors that affect the patient or the quality of the specimen and describe how to handle or avoid them.                

  • Identify and describe procedural errors that lead to failure of obtaining blood specimens.                

  • Differentiate types of laws and discuss the importance of legal issues to the phlebotomist. *Describe and demonstrate proper procedure for obtaining capillary specimen.           

  • Define and perform Point of Care Testing (POCT).                

  • Steps in performing a 12-lead ECG.                

  • Discuss patient instructions in the collection of non-blood specimens.                

  • Become proficient in all types of blood specimen collection through the clinical rotation experience.               

Programmatic Outcomes Data    

  2020-21 2021-22 2022-23    2023-24 2024-25
Enrollment  89 77 96 86  
Retention  94% 95% 82% 87%  
Completion 71% 78% 79% 84%  
Exam Pass Rate 100% 100% 100% 100%  
Graduates Employment Rate  No data 75% 71% 71% 86%

*Please note data collection is ongoing.

Glossary of Terms    
Number employed divided by number actively seeking employment within semester of completion of program.
The number of students enrolled in the program for the first time in the Spring or Fall semester of the fiscal year.      
The percent of the total students in the enrollment cohortsᵻ that were retained to the end of their respective first semester of the program.    
The percent of the total students in the enrollment cohortsᵻ that completed the certificate within the 150% timeframe (two semesters) of the program.     
Exam Pass Rate:    
The percent of graduatesᶤ who passed the licensure exam (NPA) out of those who took the exam.     
Job Placement Rate:    
The percent of graduatesᶤ that are employed as a Phlebotomist within the first six months after program completion.     
ᵻ Enrollment Cohort:    
Students that enrolled in the program for the first time in the Spring or Fall semester of the specified fiscal year are designated as an enrollment cohort for that semester in the fiscal year. There are two enrollment cohorts (Spring and Fall) for this program per fiscal year.      
ᶤ Graduates:     
Students that completed the program in the same fiscal year.     

Notes/Sources ​    


N/A: Not available for this fiscal year.          
