Learning Communities Program

Learning Communities are collaborative teaching and learning experiences that team two or more classes taken together around a common theme.

​​Learning Communities: An Exciting Way to Learn and Teach

What are Learning Communities?


  • Learning communities are two or more classes taken together and linked around a common theme.   
  • All sections of a learning community enroll the same students.   
  • Learning communities are collaboratively taught by instructors from different content areas.   

Why enroll in a Learning Community?

In general, learning communities have been shown to:  

  • Increase student retention and academic achievement;  
  • Increase student involvement and motivation;  
  • Improve students’ time to degree completion; and,   
  • Enhance student learning.  

 What are the requirements to enroll in a Learning Community?

In order to enroll in a learning community, students must meet all eligibility requirements for a class in the community. Also, students must enroll and remain enrolled in all the courses in the learning community.  

Faculty and Staff