Malcolm X Transition Team

The Malcolm X College Transition supports upper-level Adult Education, Career Bridge, and Gateway students to facilitate preparation and admission to credit coursework, link students to relevant services, and help them fulfill career goals.

The Malcolm X Transition Team is here to help upper-level Adult Education, Career Bridge, and Gateway students achieve their goals!

Who should meet with the Transition Team?

Anyone who is interested in post ESL and HSE college and career advising. Our programs are best suited for students with a 211 or higher CASAS score or a 3 or higher TABE score.

What can the Transition Team help with?

The Transition Team can help you:

  1. ​Register for Adult Education courses aimed to help you prepare for your HSE or to transition out of ESL classes.
  2. Explore our GATEWAY program which can help adult education students moving to credit courses by offering financial support.
  3. Enroll in free BNA Healthcare Bridge program in which qualified students can earn a free Basic Certificate to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).
  4. Obtain practice and official HSE Vouchers that can help towards complete the HSE (send email for more information).

Who is my Transition Specialist?

To make an appointment, please contact Abel Gonzalez at or call (312) 850-7056