External Users

If you’re seeking to rent space, its required to submit a schedule by using the facility rental web-based support application. Space requested by outside organizations may include Malcolm X College employees or students, but are not required to do so. College staff may be present to support the event, but not to facilitate it. All external organizations/individuals must ensure their event coincides with the mission of the City Colleges of Chicago.
- COI must reflect space and date in the Description Area and shall be provided by Permittee naming (in the Certificate Holder Section): Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 508; 180 North Wabash; Chicago, IL 60601
- AV setup details must be confirmed a week prior to the event; contact AV at 312/850-7153 and by mxchelpdesk@ccc.edu
- Walk-throughs will in no way guarantee an event reservation
- Do not advertise without an executed contract
Fees are based on cost to City Colleges of Chicago to provide the required space which includes space and staffing fees. A Rental Rate document may be reviewed from ’Learn More’ section.
Facility Rental Payments