Biking: Sustainable Commuting
Whether you ride your own, use Divvy bike-share or a combination of the two, biking is the most sustainable option for urban commuting.
Improve your mood and physical fitness while enjoying the most efficient and environmentally-friendly method of commuting. Don’t forget the bike safety essentials: helmet, lock, and water bottle!
Bicycle Parking on Campus
Bicycle rack parking is available at all City Colleges of Chicago campuses. When parking your bike, don’t obstruct walkways, railings, doorways or ramps intended for use by pedestrians or people with disabilities. Improperly parked bikes will be removed and impounded by City Colleges of Chicago Safety & Security. Utilize bicycle racks whenever possible.
No bike parking on trees, shrubs, fire hydrants, handrails, doors, street signs, or flag poles. No bicycle parking in classrooms. No roller blades, skateboards, or scooters may be used in campus buildings. Any bicycle parked on campus shall be parked at the risk of the owner and should be locked at all times when unattended.
To sign up for a free Divvy membership, CCC Students can opt in to the D4E program by logging into their student portal at
All full AND part-time students are eligible for a discounted Divvy Annual Membership! An Annual Membership to Divvy means you’ll have access to thousands of bikes at hundreds of stations across Chicago. Divvy is perfect for short trips to and from campus, from home to run errands, or just to get out and explore the city..

Divvy Bike Station at Truman College Campus
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