Sust​ainable Purchasing Policy

​Procuring sustainable products and services is a well-established practice at City Colleges of Chicago. Our Sustainable Purchasing Policy is meant to guide the purchasing of environmentally friendly products and services and will be periodically updated to reflect an innovative marketplace and evolving standards.  


The goal of the City Colleges of Chicago Sustainable Purchasing Policy is to encourage and quantify the environmental stewardship of our procurement.       


It is the policy of the City Colleges of Chicago in our capital and operational procurement to give preference to environmentally friendly products and services.  We strive to provide targeted solutions to minimize waste, encourage environmentally friendly supply chains, and look for innovative solutions in the general fields of: energy, water, construction, HVAC, lighting, maintenance, landscaping, food services, transportation, information technology, paper products, and refuse.       

In fulfilling our commitment to environmental stewardship, all purchasing should meet or exceed guidelines for Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or one of the peer reviewed sustainable product rating programs listed below.  EPP program information can be found on the associated website:

Peer-Reviewed Sustainable Product Rating Systems
