Lab Safety by College

Below is a list of lab staff for each college as well as links to department websites where you can find contact info for department chairs and other faculty members.
  HWC Icon.jpg
Jessica Gorogianis- Chemistry 312-553-6011                                

Arielle Layman- Chemistry 312-553-6011        

Vaneika Martin- Biology 312-553-5677                                

William Thompson- Biology 312-553-5677                                     

Junoo Tuladhar- Biology 312-553-2996            


HWC Biology Department                                       

HWC Physical Sciences Department                                       

Roksana Begum- Chemistry 773-907-4498                                

Kevin Jankowski- Biology 773-907-4661                                      

Semira Yassin- Biology​ 773-907-4662           

Ninel Dudko- Chemistry​ 773-907-4495                          


Truman College Biology Department                                       

Truman College Physical Sciences Department                                        


Juan Sanchez – Biology 773-481-8469                                

Janute Casey- Biology 773-491-8903                                

Zaishu Jin​- Chemistry 773-481-8465                           


Wright College Biology Department                                       

Wright College Physical Sciences Department                                        

MXC Icon.jpg Roberto Guzman- Chemistry 312-850-7897

Jennifer Guerrero- Chemistry 312-850-7897                                      

Michael Hanrahan- Biology 312-850-7485                                  

Carlos Chavez- Biology 312-850-7485                                      


MXC Biology Department                                      

MXC Physical Sciences Department                                        

ICONS_OH_ICON.jpg T. Candice Walton- Biology 773-291-6524

Peter Hurlock- Chemistry 773-291-6694

OHC Biology Department

OHC Physical Sciences Department​

KKC Icon.jpg Grover Barnes- Chemistry 773-602-5348

Chad Ellis- Biology 773-602-5497                                      

Jeremy Harrison- Chemistry 773-540-4306                                      


KKC Biology Department                                      

KKC Physical Sciences Department                                        

Daley Icon.jpg Kechia Caridine- Chemistry 773-838-7736

Emmanuel Rallos- Biology 773-838-7737                                


Daley College Biology Department                                      

Daley College Physical Sciences Department                                        

                    For general lab safety and chemical hygiene inquiries please contact:                                  
                 John Brophy– District Office- 312-553-2932                            
                   Lyndell Rogers– District Office- 312-553-2849                            
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​lab staff conference.jpg                 
 ​CCC Lab Staff @ annual conference                 
