Chroma Art Association

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​The Chroma Art Association promotes the appreciation and practice of the visual arts both on our campus and in the community. The club encourages cultural enrichment by providing experiences with guest artists, workshops, and field trips. Each year, the club has fund-raisers to assist in defraying the cost of art trips.   

The Chroma Art Association creates avenues for students to participate in the arts.  We promote student civic responsibility through a variety of activities which foster creativity.  Students of all backgrounds and credos are welcome to participate.  We will focus on one art project per year to be donated to a community organization.  We serve as an extension of an outreach organization that provides artistic and creative activities and opportunities to our student body that extend into the community at large.  We serve as good-will ambassadors for Olive-Harvey College.   

Officer Requirements   

Officers must be in good standing, enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours, and must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.3 GPA each semester the student is an officer.   

Member Requirements   

Members must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours each semester with a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA. Membership is open to all Olive-Harvey students.  Students can be probationary participants while working to get their GPA up to par; however, they cannot hold office nor can the be a voting member.  We encourage all students with an interest and love of the arts to join. We believe that involvement in student organizations promotes well being and exposes other students who are struggling with those who are thriving in the college environment.  It is the expectation that when students work together on projects they encourage one another.   

Club Advisors

M. Carla Carr