Mathematics & Computer Information Systems (CIS) Department

John Jackson

Department Chair

The Mathematics and Computer Information Systems (CIS) programs are designed to give students an opportunity to develop a mathematical foundation as a tool for understanding the world and society in which they live.
Our Department Core Values:

  • Maintaining and continuing to develop mathematics curriculum that sets high academic standards for students and supports developmental, vocational, and transfer programs. 

  • Collecting and analyzing data on department practices and using this to evaluate and improve our services to both students and the community. 

  • Using electronic technologies, such as computers, calculators, and multimedia tools, to enhance learning and to provide experiences relevant to students’ future careers.​ 



 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Disciplines within the Mathematics and CIS Department include:

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Information Systems (CIS)


For a list of faculty and staff, view the department directory​​​​