Find Out How Much College Will Cost at HW

Use the Net Price Calculator to calculate the total estimated net cost of attending one of the City Colleges of Chicago.

Designed by the U.S. Department of Education, the Net Price Calculator looks at normal living expenses such as housing, food, and transportation, as well as tuition, books and supplies, and then calculates the estimated cost of attending a specific college based on the financial data you provide. Calculate the estimated cost of attending one of the City Colleges of Chicago by clicking the link, below.

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How Does It Work?

The calculator measures the financial strength of you and/or your family and uses other information you provide to estimate the amount of grants, scholarships and other financial aid that may be available to you. Your "net price" is the difference between the amount of grants, scholarships, and other financial aid and the estimated cost of attendance.

As you use the calculator, please remember:

  • This is not an application for admission to one of the City Colleges, or an application for need-based financial aid.
  • The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide.
  • The net price calculator will only give you an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility. The Financial Aid Office has the final word on your financial aid award and will conduct a complete verification of the data you supply before offering an official financial aid award.
  • You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after January 1 of the year you plan to attend college.  This can be completed at:

The automated Net Price Calculator uses your individual responses to calculate an estimated amount that students, like you — that is, students in similar circumstances  — paid out-of-pocket — after grant aid and scholarships, but before student loans — to attend CCC in a given year.

Cost of Attendance 

City Colleges of Chicago calculates the cost of attendance by estimating the student´s education expenses for the period of yearly enrollment. This estimated cost of attendance reflects how much the student alone will need to spend to live and attend school. Standard costs of attendance are developed each year, reflecting average costs of attendance for dependent students and independent students.

Cost of Attendance.pdf