Appeal My Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Hold
SAP Holds
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) holds are the result of failing to meet one or more of CCC’s federally guided minimum academic standards for GPA, Timeframe and Pace. Academic standards include grades, as well as course and program completion rates. If you have a SAP hold, you may submit an appeal and, if approved, may regain eligibility to use financial aid. In the case you are denied, you have 21 days to re-appeal. In the meantime, you can still proceed with registering for courses and utilize self-pay methods to secure your enrollment.
Appealing a SAP Hold
In order to have a SAP hold released, you will need to submit an appeal.
Step 1:
Determine the semesters you need to discuss in your appeal, which are the semesters in which you failed to meet minimum academic standards. We call these your "semester(s) in question." In order to identify your semester(s) in question, we recommend that you visit your Financial Aid Office or your Academic Advisor.
Step 2:
Determine whether you have mitigating circumstance(s) (unforeseen situations or events beyond your control that directly impacted your academic performance) for each semester in question.
Note: In most cases, you cannot use the same mitigating circumstance over multiple semesters. We expect that when unforeseen circumstances arise, you will take action to resolve them before returning for another semester.
Step 3:
Documents are not required, but they are optional if you believe it will help support your mitigating circumstance(s). When you appeal online, you will need to upload documentation relevant to each semester in question. Read our Mitigating Circumstances Guide to see examples of documentation, which must come from an objective third-party on official letterhead.
Step 4:
Appeal online by logging in with your CCC username and password. If you don’t remember your username and password, submit a help request. We strongly encourage you to submit your appeal as early as possible. However, please note that the deadline for submission is as follows: the third Friday of September for Fall, the third Friday of February for Spring, and the third Friday of June for Summer. If approved, you may be eligible to have financial aid applied towards your account for the semester in which you successfully appealed.
Monitor your CCC email for communications from the SAP committee about your appeal. You can access your email by logging into your student portal and clicking the Microsoft Outlook icon.
Work to gain or remain in good academic standing by meeting with your academic advisor to create a success plan and checking in with them throughout the semester. You should also take advantage of CCC’s success resources including tutoring, wellness, disability services and more.