Online Learning Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Online Learning courses

I have never taken an online class, where can I go to get assistance?          

Attend a live new student orientation, if you cannot attend a live session you can view the recorded session.         

I registered for my class(s), however I do not see them in Brightspace yet?        

Courses are visible and available on the first day of the semester.         

What types of courses are offered in Online Learning?           

Web-Based Courses (WW)            

WW courses are offered in a 8 week session for summer and 16 weeks for Spring and Fall. Students complete all required coursework on Brightspace.   

My instructor said I need to log in twice on two separate days, where should I go to ensure my activity is logged in Brightspace?          

Download your syllabus, view​ your course resources, content and complete all first week assignments.          

Where do I go to order my online books/materials?           

Students can purchase course materials from the CCC Online Bookstore          

I’ve emailed my instructor, how long should I wait before I get a response?           

Your instructor should respond to all emails and phone calls within 48 hours.           

Does my course have Proctored Exams?          

Some online courses have proctored exam(s) in which you are required to complete online. Contact your instructor or refer to your course syllabus for more information.     

What if I receive an "ADW" (administrative withdrawal), as a mid-term grade?        

Students who do not fully participate in their course through constant communication with their instructor, submission of homework, quizzes, and/or exams, and/or through the course web site, phone, e-mail or in-person contact at conferences, risk receiving an Administrative Withdrawal (ADW), on their mid-term grade report. A full explanation of the ADW can found in the Student Policy Manual.          

I would like to dispute my final grade, where should I start?      ​    

Email your instructor requesting a review of the grade. If you’d like to further information on the process, then refer to the Student Policy Manual - Grade appeals          

What support services are available to me?           

As an Online Learning student you entitled to all of the support services available to students throughout the City Colleges of Chicago system – including access to the campus computer labs.  Visit the CCC Virtual Student Services​ for more information​​  ​