
What is TurnItIn?

Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software and grading tool available to all CCC faculty. Turnitin is not just a plagiarism deterrent, use of the software can actually improve student outcomes by teaching students how to work with sources and to improve paraphrasing and quoting skills.     

TurnItIn makes it easier for faculty to collect, organize, comment on and grade papers. TurnItIn makes it easier for students to self-assess and self-monitor.    

  • Submissions are date and time-stamped
  • Faculty comments and grades are viewable 24/7
  • Rubrics may be included, which makes clear the expectations for each assignment.

TurnItIn is integrated with TurnItIn is integrated with Brightspace. Students may submit their assignments and the instructor’s grades and comments appear in the students grade book.    

Instructor User Manual (Feedback Studio)
Instructor QuickStart Guide (Classic)

Turnitin Blackboard 9.0 Integration Instructor Manual      

Creating an Assignment

In your Blackboard course, go to any content area -> Assessments -> TurnItIn assignments -> follow prompts* ->Submit      

* Watch this video for help completing the prompts on the Assignment form:        

Grading an Assignment

  1. One is to open the submission in the Full GradeCenter. The green exclamation (or needs grading) mark.
  2. Another way you can access your TIIs is through your Control Panel: Course Tools-> TurnItIn assignments-> Select the assignment
  3. You can also access the TIIs through the content area where students submit the paper

For the screens shown in these videos begin at your Control Panel: Course Tools-> TurnItIn assignments-> Select the assignment      

Student User Manual (Feedback Studio)

Student QuickStart Guide (Classic)

Go to TurnItIn.com -> Blackboard -> Student Manual to learn how to submit papers, view instructor’s feedback,  and use other features in TurnItIn.       

Or View this video to- Submit a Document, Open Originality Report, Check GradeMark Feedback      

TurnItIn Status