City Brink, Fall 2012 Issue

City Brink, Autumn 2012

In the last year, the team has been grateful for all the contributions. We hope you take the time to enjoy some excellent, thoughtful writing and artwork from Truman College faculty members and students. Please click on the magazine cover to open the online version. If you are interested in submitting your work to City Brink for our annual issue, please see the submission guidelines on our main page.



Student Editors: Zaien Wasfi and Alaa Wasfie

Faculty Editors: Joshua Thusat and Julie Dockery

Cover Artist: Bernadetta Zawiejska

Graphic Artist: Emily Belknap


Faculty and Staff

Student Editors    Alaa Wasfie & Zaien A. Wasfi
Faculty Editors     Julie D. Dockery & Joshua Thusat
Cover Art              Bernadetaa Zawiejska
Graphic Artist       Emily S. Belknap