Diversity and Inclusion Committee - Projects

Truman College Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Professor Olga Ruiz, M.S., M.Div., Committee Chair

The Diversity & Inclusion Committee has undertaken a variety of projects to help shape our campus environment such that it is welcoming and accommodating to the needs of our entire student population.

Name Change and Pronoun Support      

The /wp-content/uploadsName Change and Pronoun Support Document.pdfName Change and Pronoun Support Document.pdf contains information for CCC Students, Faculty, and Staff about name change policy and resources for correct pronoun usage.  The end of the document also contains information specific to Truman College community members who may be transgender/gender variant.


The Mothers’ Room
This is a private room for mothers to nurse their infants. There are privacy shades and chairs. When using the room, please flip the sign so it says occupied, and flip it back when you leave.
Location: L830   Hours of Operation: 8 am-8 pm    

 Mothers Room.jpg                  

The Reflection Room
This is a quiet room that students and staff can use for meditation, reflection, or prayer. Please be respectful of others. Non-florescent lights give the room a serene feel.
Location: 2931  Hours of Operation: 8 am-8 pm

Reflection Room.jpg                  


Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
These single stall bathrooms have large spaces and the appropriate fixtures to accommodate students, staff, and faculty of all genders and gender identities. They are located on the first floor of the Main Building and in the Cosmetology Department in the Tech Building.        

Gender-Neutral Bathroom 1.jpgGender-Neutral Bathroom 2.jpg                  
Training Sessions and Town Hall Events                 
The Diversity & Inclusion Committee has hosted training sessions to promote awareness about a number of issues regarding diversity in order to increase our ability as a school to address these issues and create a wholly inclusive campus. In the past, we have held sessions on mental health, disability rights, transgender issues, and race relations, and we will continue to host these events.           
