The Truman Math Center & CIS Lab at Truman College
Mark Carter, Coordinator
Andrew Kerr, Faculty Director

The Math Center and CIS Lab offer in-person and online tutoring throughout the semester. Find below the Zoom meeting link and passcode. Click on the Zoom link below to access the Virtual Math Center and CIS Lab. If the link does not work, enter the meeting ID or call us at (773) 907 – 6832.
Math Center and CIS Lab Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 529 423 2839
For online tutoring, you must log in to Zoom using your CCC credentials. Please, watch this video or read the "Zoom Sign in Guide."
The Truman College Math Center & CIS Lab is one of the academic support centers offering a comprehensive list of resources to help students succeed in their mathematics, CIS, and business courses and studies. Provided resources include tutoring staff composed of adjunct instructors and professional tutors. Additionally, the team offers workshops on various topics suggested and led by faculty or staff. These workshops are typically organized according to course level to serve students’ needs.
The Center consists of computers for online homework, calculators, and textbooks aligned with courses for students to borrow on-site using the CCC student ID.
Tutoring at the Math Center
- Any CCC student in any mathematics course level- from Foundational Studies (FS 3001/3002) to Ordinary Differential Equations (Math 210) and students enrolled in the GED program- may walk in for help or schedule an appointment.
- Individuals who are not registered for a math course, but plan to, can get help to prepare for the placement test via one-hour appointments.
- The Center still encourages group studies, featuring students engaged with common problems, guided by staff following CCC Covid guidelines.
Tutoring at the CIS Lab
As of 2018, the Math Center host the CIS Lab. Provisioned with some of our finest CIS and Business faculty and staff, we do not doubt that our CIS Lab will help our center shine ever the brighter. Similar to the math services, we offer CIS and Business students their needed resources, such as computers and textbooks to be used on site.
- Any CCC student taking CIS and/or Business classes.
- Assistance in MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access).
- Any CCC student taking a college credit course in need of general computer help or assistance with MLA formatting for research papers, charts & graphs, and presentations
- The center offers an hour-long one-on-one appointment for students taking Business 111, 181, and 182.
We expect students to share the open space at the Math Center and CIS Lab with all who enter. You will work and learn with and among your peers. For in-person walk-in sessions, the Center staff moves freely, offering help when asked for about twenty minutes at a time.
Online Resources
Below are links to free online resources which can help you succeed in in your math journey:
- Worksheets from the Truman Math Center (many from Prof Hidegkuti’s website)
Desmos Graphing Calculator - A great resource for graphing functions
Khan Academy - Video lessons that cover most of the mathematic spectrum and other subjects