
Brandon Bumstead & Lauren Pizzi Montgomery

Professors in the English, Communication, Theater, and Journalism Department

The Department of Communication offers students the opportunity to improve their speaking skills by taking Speech 101, a course required for both the general Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree.

The Harry S Truman College Catalog describes Speech 101 as “theory and practice of oral communication; development of poise and confidence, delivery, and speech organization; public speaking practice; small group discussion, and development of standards of criticism.  Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.”   

All sections of Speech 101 have the same student learning outcomes regardless of instructor. At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• access and evaluate both library database and internet website sources.
• create keyword outlines to organize a 5-7 minute extemporaneous speech.
• produce a Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that use both basic and advanced functions.
• construct organized, audience-centered messages derived from audience analysis.
• deliver speeches that exhibit sustained eye contact and professional mannerisms.

Classes are offered during the day, evenings, and weekends to accommodate students’ schedules.

Periodically, the speech faculty also host a speech contest called The Speak Up! This contest has students in each section select the best two informative speeches performed in class to compete against the other sections. The event culminates in a final round held on campus that is open to the public. ​​