Environmental Club

Mission Statement
The mission of the Harry S Truman Environmental Club is to promote awareness of the current state of our environment and to educate our community on how to go "greener"; revamp the paper and plastic recycling programs at the school; participate in clean-ups and volunteering events; and continue to educate our school community about conservation.
Officer Requirements
Officers must be in good standing, enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours, and must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.3 GPA each semester the student is an officer.
Member Requirements
Members must be enrolled in at least six (3) credit hours each semester with a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA. Membership is open to all students.
For up to date information and current events like us on: https://www.instagram.com/greener.truman/
Mahesh Gurung (Biology)
Office: 2983 Main Building
Phone: 773-907-4689
Email: mgurung1@ccc.edu
Raymund Torralba (Physical Science)
Office: 3830 Main Building
Phone: 773-907-4691
Email: rtorralba@ccc.edu