English Language Learning

Jacqueline Cunningham MA Ling M.Ed.

Department Chairperson

Courses for English Language Learners include both English language courses for non native speakers of English, and customized ESL sections of college credit courses.

Welcome to English Language Learning (ESL)!

Are you looking to improve your Academic English skills? Our English Language Learning (ELL/ESL) courses are for you! At Harold Washington College, a community of English Learners take college courses toward their degree while improving their English Language skills. This is what makes CCC a very special experience for English Learners. Our students are citizens, new immigrants, and international students. Whether you are interested in improving your English skills for a CCC program, a two-year transfer degree, career development, or personal reasons, our English Language Learning faculty are here for you!

ELL and World Languages Schedule


ESL Reading, Writing, and Grammar – These courses focus on the reading, writing and grammar skills needed to enter college-level classes.  Class time will be spent analyzing readings, strengthening paragraph and essay writing skills, and building vocabulary.  In addition, students will use technology to help advance their skills. Teamwork in addition to individual work, in which students are required to analyze texts and coordinate with classmates, will help prepare them for advanced college courses and the workplace environment. 

ESL Speaking and Listening Classes – These courses focus on developing communicative abilities to help the student engage fully in academic situations.  Activities include listening tasks, movie and video clip viewing, note taking during lectures, guided conversations, group discussions, class presentations, and pronunciation practice.  Much of class time is spent in small learning groups so that students can practice speaking and listening as much as possible.  

ESL Reading – The reading courses focus on development of overall reading comprehension in academics. This course covers essential reading skills necessary for the college level, including; reading strategies, speed, and note taking skills, as well as academic vocabulary development. Reading courses may focus on a special topic. Topics change each semester and may include Chicago History, Sciences, Literature, or Anthropology. There is an emphasis on group work and projects, and class discussions. Blogs, writing, and presentations are also part of the course. This course is offered at the Intermediate and High Intermediate level. 

College Credit Courses                         

INTDSP 101 College Success: The Freshman Seminar – This course is designed to introduce students to academic skills that will foster success in college and in the workplace. Students will learn about CCC programs, Degrees, transfer opportunities and scholarships.  Through critical reading students will explore the qualities of leadership on campus.  They will also gain expertise in critical thinking, reading, writing as well as study skills, time management and stress management. Students will also be introduced to the use of technology for communication and research. 

History 111 — History 111 is a college credit American History course from pre revolution to the Civil War 1865.  Exploration of the new world and its colonization; study of colonial life with emphasis on cultural heritage and the American Revolution; emergence of American nation traced through major trends and events in economic, political, cultural, social and intellectual affairs; includes past and present American cultural patterns.  Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.                                 

Speech 143 Pronunciation – This is a comprehensive pronunciation and speaking course that focuses on helping intermediate students speak more clearly and accurately.  This course covers many aspects of pronunciation including syllable recognition, sounds, stress, rhythm, and intonation.  There is an emphasis on pair and group work, discussions, and class presentations.  We will use many resources on the internet. Videotaping, audio taping, songs, speeches, and interviews will also be part of the activities.  

Social Science 101 – Students in this class will study a survey of subject matter and concepts selected from the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology. 
