Embedded Tutoring
Jacquelyn Werner
Director - Academic Support Services
What is Embedded Tutoring?
The Embedded Tutoring program focuses on using embedded tutors to provide more individualized attention and assistance during class activities, and to motivate students’ participation and engagement in a classroom setting.
Embedded tutoring is a form of Supplemental Instruction (SI), based on the model developed at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
In embedded tutoring, a tutor works in the classroom under the instructor’s guidance to help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement. The tutor may attend all, or only certain class meeting days each week.
In the classroom, the tutor functions as:
- support to students as they work with the class content and texts
- a mentor, helping students foster connections with support services
- a model student, demonstrating effective student behaviors and successful academic habits
- The Embedded Tutor works closely with students
to help them better understand and meet their Instructor’s expectations and
- The Embedded Tutor has the opportunity to get
to know students and becomes a source of comfort for peer assistance both in
and out of the classroom
- The Embedded Tutor can voice concerns and ideas
to the instructor based on classroom observations and student feedback
- The Embedded Tutor serves as a representative helping students sign-up for Tutoring and
sharing information regarding additional support services
Request an Embedded Tutor…
are an HWC faculty member and would like an embedded tutor,
please contact:
Coordinator – Jennifer Bondy (jbondy@ccc.edu)