HWC HLC Reaccreditation Timeline


​​​​D​ecember 2014: Submission of the Quality Initiative Report

February 2015: Quality Initiative Report Approved by HLC peer review panel

March-May 2016: Steering Committee members identified

June-August 2016: Steering Committee meets four times to affirm HWC values, set processes, and identify strategies for moving forward

August 2016:

Criterion Chair identified from Steering Committee to oversee assurance argument creation, process, and criterion teams

Operations Team forms to establish processes for evidence collection and assurance argument drafting

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) established by Operations Team

Faculty orientated to criterion content and provided opportunity to apply for committee and/or leadership positions

Criterion teams and leadership (Coordinators) identified

August-October 2016: Criterion Coordinators begin working with respective committees to conduct discovery, identify evidence, and draft respective Assurance Arguments

September-November 2016: Operations Team begins vetting evidence requests and producing relevant documents for Criterion teams     

January 2017: Criterion Coordinators’ team meetings and preparation sessions     

February-May 2017:

Criterion Coordinators continue work to identify evidence and draft assurance argument   

Criterion Coordinators submit first draft assurance argument at end of semester   

April 2017: Presentation to Steering Committee to solicit feedback

May 2017: Criterion Coordinators’ team meetings and preparation sessions 

June-August 2017: Criterion Chair provides extensive feedback on draft to Criterion teams and sets work agenda for fall 2017 

September-November 2017:  

Criterion Coordinators work with teams to develop second draft of Assurance Argument and continue research process and evidence collection    

Operations Team further develops evidence collection process to manage increased evidence requests and vetting    

Operations Team establishes increased cadence of meetings for evidence review and uploads    

August 2017: Training day and meeting for Criterion Coordinators 

October 2017:  

Criterion Chair and Criterion Coordinators present and hold criterion workshop during State of the College    

Initiative and Action Teams identified       
Campaign Action Team       
Mock Visit and Informational Sessions Teams       
Website Action Team       
Syllabus Review Initiative       
Credential Review Initiative       
Federal Compliance Report Team       

November 2017

Progress to date formally presented to Chancellor, Provost, HWC President, and CCC/HWC Stakeholders    

​​Federal Compliance report team established and work begins    

November 2017-September 2018: Initiative and Action Teams continue work to conclusion 

December 2017: Criterion teams produce second draft of Assurance Argument  

February 2018: Progress to date on Assurance Argument presented during HWC Shared Governance meeting attended by faculty, staff, and administration 

March 2018:  

Operations Team hosts non-academic departments and faculty council HLC preparation sessions     

Comprehensive Evaluation webpages go live   

April 2018

HWC President and Stakeholders review third draft of Assurance Argument and provide feedback to HWC Accreditation & Compliance Manager (ALO) and Criterion Chairperson    

HLC Assurance Argument mock-site visit meetings conducted with HWC Stakeholders    

​HWC Accreditation & Compliance Manager (ALO) and Senior Leadership attends HLC Annual Conference (Chicago)    

June 2018: President submits Federal Compliance and Assurance Argument to District Office for review 

July & August 2018: Finalize Federal Compliance and Assurance Argument 

August 2018: Federal Compliance (if necessary) and Assurance Argument uploaded to HLC Assurance System 

October 1-2 2018: Higher Learning Commission comprehensive visit to Harold Washington College (HWC)     


