Loop Players

Our mission is to bring challenging contemporary plays by American playwrights to the Harold Washington and greater Chicago community.
What is Loop

  • Loop Players is an educational
    theatre company that produces full-scale, professional quality productions with
    and for the Harold Washington College community – right in room 103;

  • Our mission is to bring challenging
    contemporary plays by American playwrights to the Harold Washington and greater
    Chicago community;

  • We offer students a truly professional training ground: 

    • Loop
      Players productions give HWC students the opportunity to work alongside professional
      designers and working Chicago actors;

    • Our
      downtown location makes Loop Players productions attractive to industry
      professionals; and 

    • HWC
      students have obtained representation by talent agents from performing in Loop
      Players shows.

What Makes Our Legacy Unique?                               
  • Loop
    Players has been producing professional quality theatre, as part of the
    College’s English, Speech & Theatre Department, for 50 years;

  • Professor
    Sydney Daniels, the company’s founder, was well-known and recognized in the
    Chicago theatre scene;

  • The current director of Loop Players
    is Assistant Professor Rachel Sledd Iannantuoni. Rachel is a professional
    actor, most recently starring in JUNK by Ayad Akhtar at Milwaukee Repertory
    Theatre. She has appeared in films and television shows including CHICAGO MED
    and CHICAGO PD; and

  • Besides our full-scale production, we produce two public showcases every
    The Director’s Showcase and Short


