Sophie Levandoski:

Director - ACCESS Center

ACCESS CenterThe ACCESS Center at Wright collaborates with students with disabilities to facilitate supportive services that provide equal access to programs and services.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) makes every effort to integrate students with disabilities into all courses and programs. Accommodations, based on the documentation received and the needs of the student, are designed to ensure that students, who are otherwise qualified, receive equal access to all of CCC’s programs and services. CCC does not alter fundamental academic requirements, but it makes reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

The mission of the ACCESS Center (AC) at Wright is to partner with students with disabilities, faculty, and staff, to facilitate opportunities for them to have equal access to all of our programs and services. We are committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive campus community at Wright.

ACCESS Center Intake, Submitting Documentation & Semester Accommodations Request

ACCESS Center Intakes, submitting documentation and requesting semester accommodations are completed through Accommodate. Please see video and information below to walk you through the process. You will need your CCC Student ID#, email and log-in information to complete the intake and upload documentation.
Communication regarding your intake, documentation, and accommodations request will be emailed to your CCC student email. 

Accommodate: Intake and Documentation Instructions

Accommodate: Quick Overview and Requesting Semester Accommodations

Accommodations for CCC Placement Exams:

Accommodations do extend to the CCC Placement Exams. A student will need to complete an AC Intake in order for their accommodations to be put in place for their CCC Placement exams.
Students: Testing with Accommodations

Students and their professors are encouraged to discuss how testing accommodations will be implemented for the semester. If a professor cannot accommodate for a student’s testing accommodations, students with approved testing accommodations can request to test in the ACCESS Center.

After a student has requested their semester accommodations an AC testing request form link will be sent weekly to the student’s CCC email.

Once the AC has received a testing request from a student, they will be notified via email if the appointment is confirmed, or if a reschedule is needed due to limited space/staff. The AC will then contact the professor to inform them of the request and obtain the quiz/exam and instructions.

Students can and are encouraged to submit all of their requests for the entire semester if they are outlined on the syllabus. Adjustments can be made throughout the semester if a quiz/exam gets pushed back or cancelled.

The AC requires a 3-business day notice for all testing requests. Requests sent after office hours or over the weekend will not be seen until the following business day.

*Further testing policies and procedures can be located within the weekly email sent to students CCC email and on the form itself.

Professor Information: Student Testing in the ACCESS Center

Once the ACCESS Center has received a testing request from a student an ACCESS Center staff member will email the professor to inform them of the request. The ACCESS Center will also email the professor a testing form to complete outlining specific instructions for the exam; pick up/drop off instructions, length of time the class has for the exam, additional aids a student is allowed to use and/or any other important information.
Professors will also be notified if a student’s testing request needs to be adjusted (date/time, etc.). 
*Further information for Professors regarding testing can be located in the Accommodate portal.
Sign-Language Interpreters Requests:
For students with interpreting accommodations for semester classes, your interpreting request is included in your semester request for accommodations.
Please use the link below for any non-class interpreting or CART request (advising, tutoring, campus event, etc.).

Assistive Technology:
For any student utilizing an adaptive piece of equipment on loan from the AC must stop in the AC to check out the equipment for the semester. Equipment must be returned and/or re-checked out at the end of each semester. Failure to return equipment will result on a hold on a students account. 
Software licensee will be deactivated at the end of each semester. Renewal for licenses on a first come first serve basis for the students with the approved accommodations for the software.
Information for Professors:
The Accommodate video below will walk you through how to access your Accommodate account and view your students accommodation letters. Accommodation letters are automatically sent to professors once a student semester request for accommodations is approved.
You can also connect to Accommodate in Brightspace and on
For Additional Resources please use the link below to the CCC District Accessibility webpage: 
Webpage Accessibility: If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, please call (773) 481- 8015.