Testing Resources Center
The Testing Resources (Assessment) Center provides a variety of testing services to assist students as they pursue their academic goals.
Tests Administered
- CCC Placement Test – to evaluate incoming students’ skill levels in math, reading, and writing
- Language Placement Test - for students taking their first world language course at City Colleges
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams
- CLEP Foreign Language Exam - students may earn credit by successfully completing a CLEP proficiency exam (Spanish and French languages)
- CLEP General Exam - students may earn credit by successfully completing proficiency exams; 33 exams in 5 subject areas are offered
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) test – students may earn credit by successfully completing an ACTFL proficiency exam (Italian, Arabic, Polish, Chinese, and Japanese languages)
- Proctored testing for Online Learning (OL)
- Ability to Benefit (ATB) - testing for financial aid applicants with no high school diploma
- Illinois nurse aide testing – for Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) students
- ATI TEAS (nursing)
- Ability to Benefit (ATB) - testing for financial aid applicants with no high school diploma
- General Educational Development (GED) examination
- U.S. & Illinois State Constitution test - part of the GED examination; U.S. citizenship
- Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
- CASAS etests (2012) – for adult education students
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Test Accommodations for students with disabilities are given in a manner consistent with the applicable requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes offering and administering the test in a time, place and manner that is accessible, including the provision of appropriate modifications and auxiliary aids and services.
Examples of appropriate modifications and auxiliary aids and services include a change in the length of time of examination for individuals with learning disabilities and Braille or large print examinations and answer sheets or qualified readers for individuals with visual impairments.
Accommodations must be approved by the Access Center prior to test administration.
Testing Resources Centers
- Harold Washington College
- Harry S Truman College
- Kennedy-King College
- Malcolm X College
- Olive-Harvey College
- Richard J. Daley College
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