Writing Center

The Writing Center offers assistance to student writers at every step in the writing process and provides guidance on all writing tasks.

​Wright College’s Writing Center invites students to confer with our consultants about any aspect of writing. All consultants are college professors who hold at least a master’s degree and who teach subjects ranging from English, to humanities and speech, to biology and psychology. Therefore, our consultants are prepared to meet students wherever they are in the writing process.

Any student may visit the Writing Center (virtually) to work on any writing project. Students with 4.0 GPAs often visit the Center to continue to hone their skills and develop new ideas. Some simply brainstorm with consultants; others work on resumes and college applications. Our consultants are prepared to work with students in any course, and students may request a consultant in a particular discipline.

Consultants and students often work together on the following:
• Brainstorming
• Understanding an assignment
• Thesis statements
• Explication of reading material
• Grammar, syntax, style, including ESL issues
• Editing techniques
• Developing cultural context
• Supporting statements
• Creative methods
• MLA and APA style
• Research​​​​​​​​​​

How to prepare for your Writing Center visit:                                                                                   

  • Bring your student ID, writing, the assignment sheet, syllabus and any notes from class.
  • Tell your consultant the issues you would like to discuss during the session. For example, you might want to work on a particular area on which your instructor commented on a draft.
  • Be open. You may find that during your conversation with the consultant, your plan for the session may take another path.
  • Remember that writing is a process. Therefore, be prepared to work with the Writing Center more than once.
  • Be an active participant. Your consultant will ask you question and expect you to take an active part in developing your skills. Your consultant will not simply proofread your essay.
  • Remember that consultants are working to help you and want you to be comfortable discussing your writing with them.

 ​​​​Join our virtual meeting room through Zoom!

Step 1: Sign in to your Zoom (https://cccedu.zoom.us/j/9659201186) account!         

Step 2: Join à Join a Meeting à Insert meeting ID #965-920-1186       

Step 3: Ask one of our Front Desk Staff for appointment availability or Walk-in availability.      

Step 4: Once the appointment is made, add your appointment to your calendar!